Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Inauspicious Start

I do not plan on publicizing this project in the near future. Simply Because I imagine a blog as something that appears endless. It is very hard to begin one of these things with any conviction. I see any "first post" as inauspicious, because the strength of any blog is it's breadth. It's not something that can be conveyed with, "here I am," or a post that pretends it is not a commencement. I expect this here to be read only by my most diehard fans which I will undoubtedly require in time, and they will search the archive and find this and perpetuate their love for this abstraction.
But I will step off of my soapbox, momentarily, to open my mind on this word 'inauspicious.' It is a word conviniently tied to the realm of sportscasters and sportswriters. "New York overcame an inauspicious start to rally late in the second half..." But it is really a solid word. I think that's a lovely metaphor for what I want to do here. I must pout about sports, it is a regrettable aspect of my persona. But I think I have something to offer, and hopefully something to cultivate, so that, one day, I can proudly begin my writing with my name. For now I'll have to deal with a brilliantly named blog, that will be the best of the blogosphere.

Thanks for digging into the previous posts; you are a true friend.

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